| Public Safety
In this age of pervasive social media and constant news coverage, public spaces and events that offer high entertainment value have become vulnerable to those who exploit unauthorised activities like unlawful photography and video recording. The use of drones, with their ability to bypass most security measures and evade ground-based security personnel, poses a significant threat to the safety and privacy of the public, particularly in restricted areas.
The issue of unauthorised drone use is not to be taken lightly. It's a matter of grave concern. Paparazzi and the media, for instance, have been known to exploit drones to capture candid images and footage of celebrities, blatantly disregarding personal privacy laws. Similarly, some sports enthusiasts have used drones to disrupt live sporting events, prompting even the Premier League to introduce new referee rules on handling a drone-based situation during a match. However, the most alarming aspect of drone misuse is the potential inclusion of an incendiary device or homemade explosive being attached to a domestically available drone with the pure intent of causing harm.
The potential harm caused by unauthorised drone use is not just limited to intentional misuse. Inexperienced users or pilots who have lost control or connection to their drone can equally be a hazard and have the potential to cause serious incidents. An out-of-control drone that is not monitored or authorised to fly in particular airspace could easily become unpredictable while flying above spectators, posing a significant risk of injury to anyone below it.
Given these potential dangers, the unauthorised use of drones is a clear and present threat to the safety and security of venues and events. Therefore, it is crucial to actively monitor and regulate drone use to prevent the risks posed by rogue drones and ensure the safety and security of the public.